Equality and Diversity Policy
Policy Statement
Daddys With Angels is committed to pursuing non-discriminatory practices and policies and is actively working to create and environment in which there is equality of opportunity for its members.
Daddys With Angels is opposed to any form of discrimination, harassment or bullying on the grounds of
race, colour, sex, gender, identity (transgender), disability, nationality, national or ethnic origin, religion or belief, marital/civil partnership/partnership status, caring responsibilities, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, age, educational background, social class, employment status, working pattern, trade union membership or any other irrelevant factor.
This policy will relate to all activities undertaken by Daddy’s With Angels including service delivery, meeting the needs of its clients, dealing with volunteers, employment, recruitment and selection and working with suppliers and third parties.
Daddy’s With Angels recognises that the Equality Act 2010 came in to effect October 200 and builds on and strengthens previous equality legislation. The Act prohibits discrimination either directly or indirectly against what are now termed as Protected Characteristics. These are:
Gender Reassignment
Marriage and Civil Partnership
Religion or Belief (including Lack of Belief)
Sexual Orientation
Pregnancy and Maternity
Daddys With Angels expects representatives of the organisation to conduct themselves in a professional manner and will not tolerate behaviour such as:
Physical Violence
Swearing at Others
Telling Offensive Jokes
Making Offensive Remarks
Name Calling
Shouting at Others
Persistent Rudeness
Displaying Offensive Material
Distributing Offensive Material by email or text
Other Forms of Harassment, Bullying or Victimisation
Daddy’s With Angels recognises that its clients will have diverse and changing needs and is committed to meeting these. We will continue to take steps to identify the needs of our clients and develop and implement appropriate policies and procedures accordingly.
Daddy’s With Angels expects representatives of the organisation to conduct themselves in a professional manner and will not tolerate behaviour such as:
Physical Violence
Swearing at Others
Telling Offensive Jokes
Making Offensive Remarks
Name Calling
Shouting at Others
Persistent Rudeness
Displaying Offensive Material
Distributing Offensive Material by email or text
Other Forms of Harassment, Bullying or Victimisation
The list above represents behaviour that Daddys With Angels considers to be disciplinary offences and appropriate action may be taken in accordance with our Disciplinary Procedure. However in the first instance, Daddys With Angels would hope that any possible misunderstandings between individuals can be resolved informally and will attempt to facilitate this procedure with any learning from the situation used to reduce the likelihood of conflict in the future.
Complaints of Discrimination
Daddys With Angels will take any complaints of unlawful discrimination seriously and will take action where appropriate. All complaints will be investigated in accordance with our Grievance, Complaints or Disciplinary Procedures and the outcome of the investigation will be communicated to the interested parties. Any Group will also monitor the number and outcomes of any complaints of discrimination.
Daddys With Angels will monitor and record equal opportunities information about volunteers, members, trustees (and staff if employed) on the basis of age, sex, ethnicity and disability. Where possible, information relating to sexual orientation, religion/belief and other protected characteristics may be collected as long as it does not cause discomfort and ensures opportunities are made more widely available.
All equal opportunities data will be stored as confidential personal data and access will be restricted.
Daddys With Angels will also monitor equal opportunities information relating to the clients of its services in order to improve access and uptake. This information will be general monitoring data and should not identify individual clients or compromise their privacy.
Daddys With Angels undertakes to review this policy not less than once a year and to ensure that it commits to and reflects its progression.